Honey Benefits

Activity collecting honey is said to have been held since 10,000 years ago.Proof of this is the opinion containing findings of an image on a wall in a cave in Valencia, Spain. The figure shows two men using a ladder made from a type of wild grass was reaching for a beehive containing honey. At first, people are more use honey as food. Then, no longer limited to the use of honey as a sweetener consumption only.
Here Honey Benefits
1. Honey for energy sources
In the past, the ancient Greek and Roman athletes drink honey before and after competing as a remedy for stamina and energy recovery. For centuries, honey has been known as a fuel athletes because honey contains sugar is rapidly absorbed by the digestive system so honey is a source of instant energy. Until now, the sports world and the honey given before the game instead of carbohydrates used during exercise.
2. Honey effective as glucose
Their report, issued a medical journal says the levels of glycemic index (GI measure to quantify the negative impact of food on blood sugar) is low on honey slows the absorption of sugar in the blood so that more healthy digestive system and ensure the availability of carbohydrates during exercise. Meanwhile, Nutrition Laboratory at the University stated that honey is as effective Mempish glucose carbohydrate replacement during heating.
3. Honey for wound healer
In the world of medicine the Greeks and Romans pioneered the use of honey to treat nasal congestion while the ancient Egyptian nation to pioneer the use of honey to treat wounds. They make an ointment of honey to treat burns and puncture wounds caused by sharp objects.
4. Honey as an antibiotic
After thousands of years of use, the efficacy of honey as a wound revealed in scientific medicine. Honey works as a natural antibiotic sangggup defeat deadly bacteria. Honey is very acidic so it is not suitable for the growth and proliferation of bacteria. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide which is an incredible anti-septic. The process of osmosis to eradicate bacteria in honey viscosity of honey contains little water osmosis permeate water produced from bacteria in wounds and burns, and is like a sponge absorbs water.Honey dried bacteria so the bacteria difficult to grow.
5. Honey to kill germs
Extraordinary nutrient content such as free amino acids in honey can help cure the disease. Honey contains antibiotic substances that are useful for defeating pathogens causing infections panyakit. Following the ancient Egyptian nation after a study to discover the scientific facts, honey ointment for wounds are now in production in Australia.
6. Honey for the Treatment
Bangsaa Egypt known as the most skilled of the drug mix natural ingredients. Honey is included in 500 of the 900 prescription prescription drugs that are known. Modern medicine refers to the therapeutic use of honey from ancient Egypt are satisfied with the results.
7. Honey to Treat ulcers
Hospital University of Wisconsin Medical School and Public Health, for example, apply honey therapy for ulcers suffered by diabetics. The trial of a 79-year-old patient successfully heal finger ulcers on his feet. The patient does not even amputated due to the honey treatment.
8. Honey for Antioxidants
In New Zealand, honey therapy cured patients scars on your back for too long lying in a hospital bed. In the United Arab Emirates, honey therapy for injuries caused by herpes and genital lips penyambuhan accelerate and reduce pain. Meanwhile, to prove the role of honey as an antioxidant researcher at the University of California proved consumption of honey can increase antioxidants in the blood. Tests in mice to assess the ability of honey increases calcium absorption gives satisfactory results. Research at Purdue University that concluded that calcium supplements with honey can increase calcium absorption by the body.
9. Honey for Ageless
Why did the British Empire Empress and Queen Elizabeth longevity? Be believed, honey plays a major role in maintaining the health thus making both of them lived. For the British royal family, honey breakfast is a habit every day they put on a high-quality honey on the bread. The natural sweetness of honey used in England until the mid-17th century. These habits had changed when sugar is considered more classy start production. But after the widespread use of sugar is no longer limited to the upper class, the royal family back honey. That's why their health maintained.

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Fungsi-Fungsi Pancasila

Fungsi-Fungsi Pancasila

Fungsi Pokok Pancasila
  • Pancasila sebagai Dasar Negara
            Pancasila  digunakan  untuk  mengatur  pejabat  dan  aparatur  negara
          dalam mengatur pemerintahan penyelenggaraan negara
          Wujudnya : UUD 1945
  • Pancasila sebagai Pandangan Hidup Bangsa
               Pancasila sebagai pedoman bangsa untuk berperilaku dalam kehidupan
          Wujudnya : Norma

Fungsi Tambahan Pancasila 
  • Pancasila sebagai Kepribadian Bangsa
               Pancasila  sebagai  pembeda antara orang Indonesia dengan orang asing
          Wujudnya :
          1.   Bangsa Indonesia ramah, orang asing acuh
          2.  Orang   asing   menggunakan   Bra   dan   CD   di   tempat  umum  biasa,
               orang Indonesia merasa risih
          3.  Orang asing berciuman di tempat umum biasa, orang Indonesia risih dan
          4.  Orang Indonesia bergotong-royong, bangsa asing individual
  • Pancasila sebagai Sumber dari Segala Hukum
               Semua   peraturan   yang   berlaku  di  Indonesia  harus  sesuai  dengan
          pancasila dan tidak boleh menyimpang
          Wujudnya : Diberbagai negara berlaku hukum mati tetapi caranya berbeda,
                            lebih ada peri kemanusiaan
  • Pancasila sebagai Alat Pemersatu Bangsa
               Pancasila  digunakan  sebagai perekat dari berbagai ragam perbedaan di
          Wujudnya : Semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
  • Pancasila sebagai Perjanjian Luhur
                Merupakan  hasil  dari perjanjian luhur bangsa (hasil kesepakatan para
          petinggi negara)
          Wujudnya : Disahkannya Pancasila pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945
  • Pancasila sebagai Paradigma Pembangunan
                Pancasila  digunakan  sebagai  dasar dalam hal pembangunan di segala
          Wujudnya : Hasil  pembangunan  harus  bisa dinikmati oleh seluruh warga
                            negara     Indonesia,    seperti     Jembatan     Suramadu    yang
                            memudahkan       transportasi       menuju     Surabaya-Madura

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Kelas XI-IPA 1

LOGO Dari Kelas XI-IPA 1 dengan Walikelas Bu DISMARTI (Guru Matematika)


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Dengar Bisikanku

Kadang aku berpikir.
Dapatkah kita terus mencoba.
Mendayung perahu kita.
Menyatukan keinginan kita.

Mengapa selalu saja.
Kilaf yang kecil mengusik.
Bagai angin berhembus kencang.
Goyahkan kaki kita.

Genggam tanganku jangan bimbang.
Tak usahlah lagi dikenang.
Naif yang pernah kita dapat.
Jadikan pelajaran sayang.

Dengarkanlah bisikanku.
Coba lapangkan dada kita.
Terima aku apa adanya.
Jujur dari hati yang kita jaga.

Bila gundamu tak menghilang.
Hentikan dulu dayung kita.
Bila kau ingin lupakan aku.
Ku tak tahu apalah daya.....

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